A Study In Satin

Part 1 - Semper Cogitus

by Tigger

Chapter 7 - Planning, Preparations and Provisions

The clock tolling eight o'clock roused Holmes from his sleep -
that and an urgent need for the facilities.  Moments later,
Holmes was giving heartfelt thanks for the wonders of indoor
plumbing and Mr. Crapper's commode.  He would never have made it
to the old outdoor facility without again seriously embarrassing

Holmes cleaned himself up and realized that he was positively
ravenous. *Not surprising, Holmes,* he told himself, *Given that
the last time you sustained yourself was nearly five days in the
past.* Soon, Holmes was back in his favorite chair, heartily
consuming a simple breakfast of bread, cheese and tea. 
Unfortunately, the soup Miss Hudson had prepared for him during
her last visit had long ago petrified in the bottom of the pot. 

The bread was actually somewhat stale, and he'd been forced to
trim mold from the chunk of country cheese Miss Hudson had left
for him, but Holmes found himself hard pressed to recall a more
satisfying meal.  It simply tasted wonderful. *Another side
effect of the drug?  Increased sensitivity of the senses?  Might
that explain my violent reaction to the scent of tobacco and
tobacco residue in my pipe?* It was a strong possibility, Holmes

As he ate, Holmes mentally reviewed his current situation.  All
too soon, he would need to pursue his investigations in locales
where his street urchin persona would be decidedly unwelcome. 
Unfortunately, the bulk of his disguise attire was not stored at
Baker Street.  Holmes would have to visit a number of the other
establishments he maintained about London as repositories for the
various costumes and other masquerade tools he had used as a
matter of course in many of his more sensitive investigations.

That posed an immediate dilemma for the master detective.  On the
one hand, the risk of being overcome by the vile withdrawal
symptoms whilst out in the city presented a danger that he dared
not underestimate.  Yet, the other hand was the remorseless march
of time - clearly his most limiting resource.  Holmes knew that
he could ill afford to simply sit about waiting for the next

His hunger sated, Holmes set aside his tray and went over to
stand in front of his mirror.  He ran his hands over his face and
then down his torso, carefully assessing the person he saw
looking back at him from the silvered glass.  His initial
inclination was to take up his journal and carefully measure his
entire body, but he resisted that impulse. *There will be time
enough for that later,* he assured himself, *but the first
priority is to assure my freedom of movement in the face of
Moriarty's henchman.*

Holmes returned his full attention to the reflection in his
looking glass.  The street urchin disguise would still serve, he
decided after a long moment, although to his experienced eye, his
visage appeared slightly more feminine than he had the day

*Thank God the changes are sufficiently subtle that I still may
pass for a callow youth.  The cap to hide my eyes, a bit of
lampblack applied judiciously to simulate dirt, and these scruffy
though masculine clothes and I should still appear sufficiently
boyish to pass what little scrutiny I cannot otherwise avoid.*   

*If the clothes are loose enough,* he thought as he slid his
hands down his torso again and shook his head in disgust.  His
waist was definitely smaller than it had been the day before - he
was sure of that - while his hips seemed unchanged if he read the
fit of his trousers about his lower abdomen correctly.  The loose
fit of the shirt and vest would disguise that today, but if only
one very recent application of the drug changed his physique this
significantly, it was only a matter of time - and very little
time at that - before the Baker Street Irregular would find
himself in serious danger of becoming one of Mother Hell's
unwilling employees.  Clearly, other options were required and
not solely to provide Holmes access to places his current
disguise could not.

Holmes sighed. If he but had the right materials at hand, then he
could work on his alternative disguises while he waited for the
onset of the withdrawal symptoms.  That, at least, would be an
effective dual use of his severely limited time.

Holmes strode from his dressing room, intent on checking the
alleyway for signs of the man who'd accosted him the night
before.  The way appeared clear, but Holmes decided to take no
chances.  He walked into the bedroom which had been Dr. Watson's
for the last years of his life, and found what he needed. 
Carefully, he checked the revolver over, ensuring it was clean
and that the action worked smoothly.  Then he loaded the weapon,
carefully aligned the hammer with the single unloaded chamber,
then gingerly slid the weapon beneath his makeshift rope belt.

Only to have the gun's butt dig painfully into the tender flesh
just beneath his ribs.  "Bloody hell," Holmes cursed as he
realized what was causing the problem, "I don't have time to deal
with this properly just now!"  The barrel of the gun was being
forced outward by the swell of his pelvis, levering the gun's
handle painfully into his side. *At least that confirms my
supposition that my hip-to-waist silhouette has become decidedly
more feminine since yesterday.  Calculating precisely how much
more feminine is something that must wait until I have spare time
to take a proper set of initial control measurements.*

The scientist in Holmes looked longingly at his laboratory, his
curiosity about this aspect of his transformation piqued, but the
detective in him firmly rejected the notion. *I will definitely
need quantitative data on this so that I can predict how quickly
I am changing and how long before attempting masculine disguise
will be pointless AND dangerous.* Holmes thought as he extracted
the pistol from the rope belt and slipped it into one of his deep
pockets. *However, there will be time in hand for those inquiries
after I've retrieved what I need from my various hideaways.* 

Holmes made one final check of the alley from the upstairs
windows, then left the house and quickly melted into the back-
street-shadows of London.


Using a hansom cab to expedite his travels was out of the
question for a destitute street orphan such as the master of
disguise was portraying. Thus relegated to moving about only on
foot, Holmes required several hours to complete his errands.  

After some thought, Holmes decided to retrieve whatever emergency
funds he had cached at each of the flats he visited.  *This will
not meet all my needs,* he thought grimly as he counted out the
thirty odd pounds in coins and banknotes of various
denominations, *especially given my other obligations and
commitments.  I am going to need access to more of my funds. 
Somehow, I must develop a stratagem that will provide me access
to my accounts at the Bank of England.*

As a hedge against another encounter with Old Ned, Holmes decided
to carry only a few of the least valued coins in one of his
pockets as a diversionary tactic, while keeping the bulk of his
funds hidden in his heavy boots. Holmes' plan was simple. Old Ned
would take sadistic pleasure at stealing the few paltry coppers
from the supposedly 'helpless' orphan, believing that sum to be
the whole of the boy's money.  All Holmes would have to do would
be to slink off, looking afraid and crying, and Ned would be
never be the wiser.

Surprisingly, Holmes managed to complete his journey without any
contact with Old Ned. However, the return trip was not completely
uneventful, punctuated as it was by several near spills.  Part of
that was due to Holmes' lack of familiarity with his recently-
changed body.  His brain remembered his "old" body, and tried to
move his current one as it had the old.  That did not always work
since his center of gravity and center of balance had changed
significantly in a very short period of time.  

The far greater problem, however, was the increasing tendency of
his hips to over-rotate as he walked, causing the track of his
feet to converge as though he were walking on a circus tightrope.
More than once, the combination of this unusually narrow support
base and London's rough, uneven cobblestone streets sent Holmes
tumbling to the pavement.

Entry in the Journal of Mr. Sherlock Holmes

Date: February 3, 1911.  Time: 4:37 P.M.

My Dear Watson,

At last I have been able to conduct the measurements that have
been on my mind since rising this morning.  Much as I would have
preferred to take this data earlier, I had no confidence that I
would remain in control during my foray into London had I elected
to delay that excursion in favor of conducting these measurements
this morning.  It is wiser by far, in my opinion, to face the
next attack in the safety of my rooms with a ready, sanitary
syringe at hand than to have chanced a collapse somewhere in the
dark alleys and back streets of London.

It has been just over eleven hours since I administered the drug. 
I will attempt, insofar as I am able, to conduct all further
measurements at approximately the same time relative to my use of
Moriarty's fountain of youth.  

Thus far, I feel quite fit with not the slightest discomfort that
can be attributed to withdrawal.  However, based on the evidence
I have collected since my return, I am forced to conclude that
Moriarty's statement about the cumulative effect of the drug is
all too true.

I immediately realized something significant had changed when the
revolver levered itself painfully into my lower ribcage when I
attempted to use my rope belt as a makeshift holster.  Simply
stated, my waist has become visibly smaller since I first put
this belt on yesterday morning.  The midriff of these trousers is
significantly looser than when I first donned this disguise. 
Although I do not have a specific measurement from yesterday, my
waist now measures a mere 27 inches as compared to 33.25 inches
before I first injected the concentrated potion.

Along the same vein, I have made a complete set of tailor's
measurements of my changing body.  The most compelling finding to
this point is that my loss in stature has not been distributed
uniformly within my previous dimensions.  While my height has
been reduced by just under 6 inches (starting at my former height
of 6'0" to my current stature of barely 5'6"), the length of my
legs has been reduced by less than three inches - closer to 2.25
inches, in fact.  The greater proportion of my diminished stature
has been manifested in the region between my shoulders and my
waist, confirming that my body is developing female proportions
in the vertical as well as the horizontal axes.

My weight has been reduced by over 2 stone from my starting
weight of 166 lbs to my current weight of 132.25 lbs. I believe
this explains a substantial portion of the excess waste material
which fouled my bed upon my first awakening despite my lack of
food intake during the same period.  I also believe that this
sudden loss of body mass explains my muscular weakness relative
to Moriarty during our abortive physical altercation.  I know
that I was severely dehydrated at that point, but now that I have
replenished my bodily moisture reserves, I feel much better -
certainly stronger than I did when Moriarty humiliated me by
toying with me.

But back to the measurable data.  My hair has also continued to
grow, nearly an inch since yesterday.  If it grows much longer,
even that scruffy hat will not contain it.  Additionally, there
is not a single strand of gray hair to be found anywhere on my

This cataloging of the changes in my body may well turn out to
be, in the final reckoning, a fool's errand. As a scientist, I
have always believed in the adage "knowledge is power", but even
I wonder precisely what good this knowledge might afford me.   

So, Watson, why do I do this - study myself as if I were a
laboratory specimen and Moriarty's foul potion some type of
experimental treatment?  Perhaps because the objectivity of an
experimental scientist gives me some needed emotional distance?  

Quite likely.  I strongly suspect that so long as I can deal with
this. . . horror?  Hmmm, horror is an apt term if somewhat
emotional for what I am experiencing at this point in time. 
Isn't that how Moriarty described me?  Like a hopelessly
emotional and scatterwitted female?  Well, so long as I can deal
with this horror scientifically, objectively and rationally, then
I can believe that I am still Sherlock Holmes and that I still
have the wherewithal to find, stop and ultimately, to kill
Professor Moriarty once and for all.

Enough of that! Back to the point of this exercise.  I have made
other, less quantitative observations that, although they are not
my preferred numerically verifiable evidence, may cast some more
light on the near-term effects of the drug.  As noted above, my
waist is definitely smaller, but neither my hips nor my upper
torso show any corresponding reduction. However, the shape of
those two bodily features do appear to have changed, becoming
somewhat rounder - at least relative my previous form.  This is
not yet a factor in the fit of my trousers which seem able to
accommodate the change, but the shoulders of my expertly tailored
shirts and coats now hang down loosely onto my arms while still
fitting snugly about my chest.  

Actually, I believe that those items of apparel currently fit
even more snugly about my upper torso.  If not, I am certainly
more aware of a constricted sensation about my chest primarily
because my nipples have become rather annoyingly sensitive. 
While this increased acuity seems consistent with the previously
noted enhancement of my other senses, notably taste and smell, in
this case it is most distressing.  The tight shirt-cloth chafes
my nipples until I want to tear the shirt away.  To put a fine
point to it, the irritation makes the things itch intolerably.

My genitals also continue to change.  I believe that my scrotum
has become tighter and smaller, although, once again, I have only
subjective observation to confirm that hypothesis.


Now that I think on it, I don't believe that I have ever run
across a generally accepted and accurate metric for assessing the
size of the masculine endowments. The most widely accepted
methods appear, on the face of my own observations, to rather
inaccurately overestimate that organ's dimensions.  I suspect I
will have to invent my own method in this case.

On another related issue, I am beginning to wonder how young,
physiologically, I have actually become since the first
administration of the concentrated version of the drug.  It is
difficult to assess because of the dual, sometimes contradictory,
sometimes complementary nature of the effects of the elixir. 
What changes are brought about from the reduction of my age and
what changes are the direct result of the changing of my
fundamental gender?  At this point, I cannot tell.

Well, I must beg your pardon, Watson.  Miss Hudson arrives
tomorrow and I must be ready for her.  I am going to miss her and
her mother, but it will not be safe for her to be around me in
the coming days; Moriarty's henchman being the least of the
horrors she might have to face should she continue to attend me
here.  I have a plan, but it will require much work between now
and her usual arrival time tomorrow morning.

Farewell, old friend.

End Journal Entry.

Holmes laid down his pen and reread the journal entry.  Even now,
after all the time he'd had to adjust to what was happening, to
what had been done to him, it read like one of George Wells'
fantastic, pseudo-scientific works of fiction that Watson so
enjoyed reading.  Except not even H.G. Wells could have conceived
of such an idea.  No, only one man had the imagination, the
knowledge and the will to have conceived something like this. The
question was how did one go about stopping such an individual?  

At that moment, even the great Sherlock Holmes had to admit that
he had no idea.  Sighing, Holmes pushed aside his journal and
reached for the pile of clothes laid out on his table.  Perhaps
he'd think of something while he resized these garments.